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For coating of surfaces, the high-tech Polyurea system Elastocoat® is unbeatable. Whether used on parking decks, loading ramps or chemical tanks, water tanks Elastocoat® Polyurea provides enduring protection. Also for facades and roofs, Elastocoat® provides lasting protection and is rapidly applied, too.



Elastocoat® is the high-tech spraying system from BASF for the reliable and lasting protection of all surfaces, be they of wood, concrete, bitumen or steel. The high-pressure spraying system can be applied to virtually all substrates with a corresponding primer and cures extra fast. While other materials take a long time to through-harden, Elastocoat® is tack-free in just a few seconds and cures fully in two hours. With its properties, it is the ideal solution for many challenges – as a quick, efficient and lasting seal.

Protection Against Corrosion and Durable Sealing with High-tech Polyurea

Biogenic sulphuric acid generated by the bacteria Thiobacillus in gas-sealed manholes rapidly leads to heavy concrete corrosion. Washed concrete appearance and decomposed metal components are typical signs of damage such as corrosion, crack formation and leakage. The result can be instability of the structure as well as infiltration.

Attack by acids can be stopped by the seamlessly sprayed barrier film of 2K Polyurea Elastocoat®.

River Bank Stabilization and Flood Prevention

What has already proven successful in coastal protection can also be used on river banks and canals. The goal here is also to create a strong and near-natural revetment to consolidate shore zones and stabilize them against traffic-induced waves and – as in the case of the Elbe River – against the tides.

In waterway engineering, there is also the possibility of underwater installation where the rock-PU mix, after sufficient reaction time, is poured into the water close to the bank and compacted. The principle is just as simple as for dike construction and protects the banks from disintegration and damage due to strong currents.

Elastocoast -The sustainable solution for coastal protection

شركة يلما للتجارة

تمثل الشركة الشركات المصنعة المشهورة عالميًا لمعدات العزل المائي والمواد الكيميائية وقطع الغيار والخدمات.

نحن نفخر بخدمة منطقة الشرق الأوسط بأكملها وآسيا وأفريقيا بالمواد والآلات والمنتجات المبتكرة ذات الصلة للعزل الحراري والطلاء الواقي وصناعة مكافحة التآكل.

المملكة العربية السعودية

شركة يلما للتجارة

شارع دلم، السلي،
الرياض-14263، المملكة العربية السعودية
الهاتف: +966 11 241 1337
الجوال: 055 0974205 / 050 7882613
معلومات عنا

الامارات العربية المتحدة

برايم سيل للمواد العازلة والوقائية ذ.م.م.

صندوق بريد 115563، دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
الهاتف: +971 43330172 / 3205568

  • آلات مقاومة المياه

  • المواد الكيميائية

  • أشرطة مقاومة للتآكل

  • المواد المانعة للتسرب

  • منتجات السلامة

  • الإضاءة الصناعية

  • معدات الاغلاق

  • مضخات المياه

  • عدادات التدفق      

  • الأجهزة

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